

* preload dragonBones scripts
var ScriptLoader = (function(){
    var manifest,callback;
    function load(p_manifest,p_callback){
        manifest = p_manifest;
        callback = p_callback;
    function loadNext(){
        if(manifest.length > 0){
            var nextFile = manifest.shift();
        } else {
    function loadScript(p_path, p_callback) {
        var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.type = 'text/javascript';
        script.src = p_path;
        script.onload = p_callback;
        script.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (this.readyState == 'complete') {
    return {load:load};

// ------------------------------------------------------------
* Phaser DragonBones example
// ------------------------------------------------------------

//the phaser game object
var game = null;

//wait for scripts to load first
ScriptLoader.load(["animation/dragonBones.js","animation/phaser_dragonbones.js"], createGame)

//now instantiate the game
function createGame(){
    game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create });

//preload game assets
function preload () {
    // the texture atlas image that includes the images for the dragon bones sprite 
    // (loaded independently to make it easily accessible to dragonbones)
    game.load.image('dragon_image', 'assets/sprites/dragon_atlas.png');
    // the texture atlas data (TexturePacker JSON Array format) for the dragon bones sprite 
    // (loaded independently to make it easily accessible to dragonbones)
    game.load.json('dragon_atlas', 'assets/sprites/dragon_atlas.json');
    // load the texture atlas again so that it's content is registered in the atlas frame cache
    game.load.atlas('atlas1', 'assets/sprites/dragon_atlas.png', 'assets/sprites/dragon_atlas.json');  
    // the dragonbones skeleton data
    game.load.json('dragon', 'assets/sprites/dragon_skeleton.json');   

//let's get this show on the road!
function create () {
    //call setup method for dragon bones
    //start a run-loop for dragonbones, firing every 20ms, update, this);

function update() {
    // call advanceTime on the dragonBones world clock to progress the animation.
    // For simplicity just using a hardcoded value of 0.02 secs
    // but ideally should evaluate how much time has really passed since last call
    // and send that value through instead -> eg use

function addDragonBones(){

    //give dragonBones a reference to the game object = game;

    // hardcoded ids for the dragonBones elements to target
    var armatureName = "Dragon";//PigDragonBones";
    var skeletonId = "Dragon";//piggy";
    var animationId = "walk";//run";
    // fetch the skeletonData from cache
    var skeletonData = game.cache.getJSON('dragon');
    // fetch the atlas data from cache
    var atlasJson = game.cache.getJSON('dragon_atlas');
    // make an array listing the names of which images to use from the atlas
    //var partsList = ["arm_front", "head_ninja", "body", "fore_leg", "rear_leg", "rear arm"];
    var partsList = [
    // fetch the atlas image
    var texture = game.cache.getImage("dragon_image");
    // and the atlas id
    var atlasId = 'atlas1';
    // pass the variables all through to a utility method to generate the dragonBones armature
    var armature = dragonBones.makePhaserArmature(armatureName, skeletonId, animationId, skeletonData, atlasJson, texture, partsList, atlasId);
    // get the root display object from the armature
    var bonesBase = armature.getDisplay();
    // position it
    bonesBase.x = 300;
    bonesBase.y = 500;
    // add it to the display list;