audio/audio sprite

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create });

function preload() {

    game.load.image('title', 'assets/pics/catastrophi.png');

    game.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/buttons/flixel-button.png', 80, 20);
    game.load.bitmapFont('nokia', 'assets/fonts/bitmapFonts/nokia16black.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmapFonts/nokia16black.xml');

    //'sfx', [ 'assets/audio/SoundEffects/fx_mixdown.mp3', 'assets/audio/SoundEffects/fx_mixdown.ogg' ]);'sfx', 'assets/audio/SoundEffects/fx_mixdown.ogg');


var fx;

function create() {

	game.add.image(0, 0, 'title');

	//	Here we set-up our audio sprite
	fx ='sfx');
    fx.allowMultiple = true;

	//	And this defines the markers.

	//	They consist of a key (for replaying), the time the sound starts and the duration, both given in seconds.
	//	You can also set the volume and loop state, although we don't use them in this example (see the docs)

	fx.addMarker('alien death', 1, 1.0);
	fx.addMarker('boss hit', 3, 0.5);
	fx.addMarker('escape', 4, 3.2);
	fx.addMarker('meow', 8, 0.5);
	fx.addMarker('numkey', 9, 0.1);
	fx.addMarker('ping', 10, 1.0);
	fx.addMarker('death', 12, 4.2);
	fx.addMarker('shot', 17, 1.0);
	fx.addMarker('squit', 19, 0.3);

	//	Make some buttons to trigger the sounds
	makeButton('alien death', 600, 100);
	makeButton('boss hit', 600, 140);
	makeButton('escape', 600, 180);
	makeButton('meow', 600, 220);
	makeButton('numkey', 600, 260);
	makeButton('ping', 600, 300);
	makeButton('death', 600, 340);
	makeButton('shot', 600, 380);
	makeButton('squit', 600, 420);


function makeButton(name, x, y) {

    var button = game.add.button(x, y, 'button', click, this, 0, 1, 2); = name;
    button.scale.set(2, 1.5);
    button.smoothed = false;

    var text = game.add.bitmapText(x, y + 7, 'nokia', name, 16);
    text.x += (button.width / 2) - (text.textWidth / 2);


function click(button) {;
