* @author Chris Campbell
* @author Richard Davey
* @copyright 2015 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link|No License}
* @description This example requires the Phaser Box2D Plugin to run.
* For more details please see
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create });
function preload() {
game.load.image('platform', 'assets/sprites/platform.png');
game.load.image('ball', 'assets/sprites/shinyball.png');
function create() {
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#124184';
// Enable Box2D physics
game.physics.box2d.gravity.y = 500;
// Static platform
var platformSprite = game.add.sprite(400, 550, 'platform');
platformSprite.body.static = true;
// Sprites for dynamic bodies
var sprite1 = game.add.sprite(200, 100, 'ball');
var sprite2 = game.add.sprite(400, 100, 'ball');
var sprite3 = game.add.sprite(600, 100, 'ball');
// Enable physics. This creates a default rectangular body.
game.physics.box2d.enable([ sprite1, sprite2, sprite3 ]);
// Adjust the gravity scale
sprite1.body.restitution = 1;
sprite2.body.restitution = 0.5;
sprite3.body.restitution = 0.25;
game.add.text(5, 5, 'Different restitution settings.', { fill: '#ffffff', font: '14pt Arial' });