var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, render: render });
function preload() {
game.load.image('ship1', 'assets/sprites/bsquadron1.png');
game.load.image('ship2', 'assets/sprites/bsquadron3.png');
var group1;
var group2;
function create() {
// Our first group, this will move vertically up the screen
group1 =;
group1.y = 600;
// Our second group, this will move vertically down the screen
group2 =;
group2.y = -150;
// Add 10 sprites to each group
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
group1.create(game.rnd.between(0, 740), game.rnd.between(0, 100), 'ship1');
group2.create(game.rnd.between(0, 736), game.rnd.between(0, 100), 'ship2');
// Tween the Groups
game.add.tween(group1).to( { y: -150 }, 5000, "Linear", true, 0, -1);
game.add.tween(group2).to( { y: 600 }, 5000, "Linear", true, 0, -1);
// Upon click / touch call this ...
game.input.onDown.addOnce(moveShips, this);
function moveShips() {
// This moves all ships from group 1 into group 2
function render() {
game.debug.text("Group 1 size: " + group1.length, 32, 32);
game.debug.text("Group 2 size: " + group2.length, 32, 64);
if (group1.length === 10)
game.debug.text("Click to move children", 32, 96);