var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { create: create });
var word = "phaser";
var correct = [];
var bmd;
function create() {
// Here we'll create a simple array where each letter of the word to enter represents one element:
for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++)
correct[word[i]] = false;
// This is our BitmapData onto which we'll draw the word being entered
bmd = game.make.bitmapData(800, 200);
bmd.context.font = '64px Arial';
bmd.context.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
bmd.context.fillText(word, 64, 64);
// Capture all key presses
game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks(this, null, null, keyPress);
function keyPress(char) {
// Clear the BMD
// Set the x value we'll start drawing the text from
var x = 64;
// Loop through each letter of the word being entered and check them against the key that was pressed
for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++)
var letter = word.charAt(i);
// If they pressed one of the letters in the word, flag it as correct
if (char === letter)
correct[letter] = true;
// Now draw the word, letter by letter, changing colour as required
if (correct[letter])
bmd.context.fillStyle = '#00ff00';
bmd.context.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
bmd.context.fillText(letter, x, 64);
x += bmd.context.measureText(letter).width;