var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, render: render });
var text;
var ipsum = "Click to change alignment\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quid ergo aliud intellegetur nisi uti ne quae pars naturae neglegatur?\n\nSi longus, levis; Ita relinquet duas, de quibus etiam atque etiam consideret. Optime, inquam. Sed quanta sit alias, nunc tantum possitne esse tanta.\n\nQuid, si etiam iucunda memoria est praeteritorum malorum?";
// The different types of alignment this demo cycles through
// h = horizontal, v = vertical
// a = the text alignment (see comments below)
var align = [
{ h: 'left', v: 'top', a: 'left' },
{ h: 'center', v: 'top', a: 'center' },
{ h: 'right', v: 'top', a: 'right' },
{ h: 'left', v: 'middle', a: 'left' },
{ h: 'center', v: 'middle', a: 'center' },
{ h: 'right', v: 'middle', a: 'right' },
{ h: 'left', v: 'bottom', a: 'left' },
{ h: 'center', v: 'bottom', a: 'center' },
{ h: 'right', v: 'bottom', a: 'right' }
var i = 0;
function preload() {
game.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/deepblue.png');
function create() {
game.add.image(0, 0, 'bg');
var style = { font: "16px Arial", fill: "#fff",
align: "left", // the alignment of the text is independent of the bounds, try changing to 'center' or 'right'
boundsAlignH: "left",
boundsAlignV: "top",
wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 300 };
text = game.add.text(0, 0, ipsum, style);
text.setTextBounds(16, 16, 768, 568);
game.input.onDown.add(changeAlign, this);
function changeAlign() {
if (i === align.length)
i = 0;
// Un-comment this line to keep the text left-aligned
text.align = align[i].a;
text.boundsAlignH = align[i].h;
text.boundsAlignV = align[i].v;
function render() {
// Un-comment to see the text bounds rect to which the text is aligned
// game.debug.geom(text.textBounds, 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)');