var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { create: create });
var text;
function create() {
text = game.add.text(,, '- phaser text stroke -');
// Center align
text.align = 'center';
// Font style
text.font = 'Arial Black';
text.fontSize = 50;
text.fontWeight = 'bold';
// Stroke color and thickness
text.stroke = '#000000';
text.strokeThickness = 8;
text.fill = '#43d637';
// And now we'll color in some of the letters
text.addColor('#ff00ff', 9);
text.addColor('#43d637', 13);
// This allows us to color the stroke instead of the letters
text.addStrokeColor('#ff0000', 13);
text.addStrokeColor('#000000', 20);