Source: out/plugins/ColorHarmony/ColorHarmony.js

/* jshint camelcase:false */
* A collection of methods useful for manipulating and comparing colors.
* @class        Phaser.Plugin.ColorHarmony
* @author       Richard Davey <>
* @copyright    2013 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license  MIT License

Phaser.Plugins.ColorHarmony.prototype = {

    * Returns a Complementary Color Harmony for the given color.
    * <p>A complementary hue is one directly opposite the color given on the color wheel</p>
    * <p>Value returned in 0xAARRGGBB format with Alpha set to 255.</p>
    * @method Phaser.Plugin.ColorHarmony#getComplementHarmony
    * @param {Number} color The color to base the harmony on.
    * @return {Number} 0xAARRGGBB format color value.
    getComplementHarmony: function (color) {

        var hsv = Phaser.Color.RGBtoHSV(color);
        var opposite =, 180, 359);
        return Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(opposite, 1.0, 1.0);


    * Returns an Analogous Color Harmony for the given color.
    * <p>An Analogous harmony are hues adjacent to each other on the color wheel</p>
    * <p>Values returned in 0xAARRGGBB format with Alpha set to 255.</p>
    * @method Phaser.Plugin.ColorHarmony#getAnalogousHarmony
    * @param {Number} color The color to base the harmony on.
    * @param {Number} threshold Control how adjacent the colors will be (default +- 30 degrees)
    * @return {Object} Object containing 3 properties: color1 (the original color), color2 (the warmer analogous color) and color3 (the colder analogous color)
    getAnalogousHarmony: function (color, threshold) {
        if (typeof threshold === "undefined") { threshold = 30; }
        var hsv = Phaser.Color.RGBtoHSV(color);
        if(threshold > 359 || threshold < 0) {
            throw new Error("Color Warning: Invalid threshold given to getAnalogousHarmony()");
        var warmer =, 359 - threshold, 359);
        var colder =, threshold, 359);
        return {
            color1: color,
            color2: Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(warmer, 1.0, 1.0),
            color3: Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(colder, 1.0, 1.0),
            hue1: hsv.hue,
            hue2: warmer,
            hue3: colder

    * Returns an Split Complement Color Harmony for the given color.
    * <p>A Split Complement harmony are the two hues on either side of the color's Complement</p>
    * <p>Values returned in 0xAARRGGBB format with Alpha set to 255.</p>
    * @method Phaser.Plugin.ColorHarmony#getSplitComplementHarmony
    * @param {Number} color The color to base the harmony on
    * @param {Number} threshold Control how adjacent the colors will be to the Complement (default +- 30 degrees)
    * @return {Object} An object containing 3 properties: color1 (the original color), color2 (the warmer analogous color) and color3 (the colder analogous color)
    getSplitComplementHarmony: function (color, threshold) {
        if (typeof threshold === "undefined") { threshold = 30; }
        var hsv = Phaser.Color.RGBtoHSV(color);
        if(threshold >= 359 || threshold <= 0) {
            throw new Error("Phaser.Color Warning: Invalid threshold given to getSplitComplementHarmony()");
        var opposite =, 180, 359);
        var warmer =, opposite - threshold, 359);
        var colder =, opposite + threshold, 359);
        return {
            color1: color,
            color2: Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(warmer, hsv.saturation, hsv.value),
            color3: Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(colder, hsv.saturation, hsv.value),
            hue1: hsv.hue,
            hue2: warmer,
            hue3: colder

    * Returns a Triadic Color Harmony for the given color.
    * <p>A Triadic harmony are 3 hues equidistant from each other on the color wheel</p>
    * <p>Values returned in 0xAARRGGBB format with Alpha set to 255.</p>
    * @method Phaser.Plugin.ColorHarmony#getTriadicHarmony
    * @param {Number} color The color to base the harmony on.
    * @return {Object} An Object containing 3 properties: color1 (the original color), color2 and color3 (the equidistant colors)
    getTriadicHarmony: function (color) {
        var hsv = Phaser.Color.RGBtoHSV(color);
        var triadic1 =, 120, 359);
        var triadic2 =, 120, 359);
        return {
            color1: color,
            color2: Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(triadic1, 1.0, 1.0),
            color3: Phaser.Color.HSVtoRGB(triadic2, 1.0, 1.0)

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